Thursday, April 2, 2009

Educational Internet Videos

While the internet is great for meaningless entertainment there really is some great stuff on it. My friend Dean sent me a link to Academic Earth, which is a very cool site that has videos of lecture's from some of the top U.S. universities. They have a relatively limited selection at the moment, but some really interesting ones. I am currently watching the philosophy series on death. I also started listening to one on the old testament on the train home yesterday. Both are fascinating. They also have lectures on just about every other topic available, science, history, politics, law, medicine, business, etc. The philosophy and religion ones lend themselves to being listened to at work as I don't need to actually watch the video. I think that would be more difficult with the science and math ones. I hope they keep adding courses. Its the best part of college without all the homework.

There are some also some very interesting videos on the economy out there. Money as Debt is one of my favorites. It really explains why our economy is doomed and we can not borrow our way out of debt. Although, that should be obvious to anyone with the ability to reason, most people have never been told how the system really works, so its understandable that people do not see it.

Another friend, David, joined the Zeitgeist group on facebook which reminded me of that movie. You can find the movie on the Zeitgeist movie site. I do not agree with all of its conclusions, especially in the addendum, but I think it is very interesting and makes you think.

So next time you have an hour to kill, instead of watching people getting hit in the nuts on youtube, watch something educational and entertaining. Save the nut shots for when you only have a few minutes.

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