Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Best woot podcast ever

For the uninitiated Woot! is one of my favorite websites. They sell one item a day most of the time. Sometimes the item is $1 sometimes it is $2000, it is usually a really good deal for whatever it is. Shipping is always $5. About once a month they have a Woot! off where they sell all the crap they did not get rid of on the daily sales. Each item stays up until it sells out, then they put up the next one.

Now this does not sound all that exciting, but the writing is what makes it the best site ever. The descriptions are always at least lols and some are roflmao, which I am sure confuses my coworkers. So if you are not checking them on a daily basis your world is a colder, darker place than mine and I pity your sad existance. They also do a podcast during the week which is usually amusing, occasionally mediocre, and then there is today's. It has to be the funniest one I have heard yet. It is part of one of the funniest series they do, million dollar ideas. So go listen to Million Dollar Idea #16 and make your world a better place. I have listened to it six times today and have not been able to supress my laughter. All I have to say is, "Don't give tours."

The shirt.woot, sellout.woot and wine.woot sites are also amusing, but nothing beats the original.