Monday, April 27, 2009

Pandora on the Blackberry

I love Pandora. I usually listen to it when working at home and have dozens of stations to fit my mood. They recently released a client for the Blackberry and I downloaded it immediately for my Storm. It is a little weird as it tends to keep playing behind everything else you do. Which in a way is cool, but can be kind of annoying as you have to remember to turn it off instead of just hitting the red button. On the other hand I am normally listening on my way to or from work, so it does not really matter that much. It does not seem to consume much more battery than a phone call and the quality is good at least in my area. So if you have a Blackberry I suggest you at least download it and try it. They also have a client for several other phones if you are not part of the blackberry cult.


  1. If my memory serves me, on my bro's iPhone, it DOESN'T keep playing when you leave the app which is even more annoying cuz you have to stay in the Pandora app to listen to music. There might be an option for that though, you would think...

  2. Good to hear a first hand account of this. I have been debating between the crackberry clut and the iPhone cult... and pandora was one of the apps that I wanted to function properly. Which blackberry are you using??
