Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Upgrade the Final Chapter

As mentioned in my previous blog, I was having issues with my motherboard not recognizing all of the memory I had installed. I was to busy to be without the computer though as I has a ton of editing work to do for a 7k music video and continuing work on Improv Shmimprov videos. Oh, I also had to build the 7k website. So I have been busy.

But I finally got back to testing with the surprisingly good support staff at XFX Force and we basically eliminated any other possible problem. It was definitely a defective motherboard. So I had to RMA it, but I still could not be without and editing system for a week or more while shipping the old one back and waiting for the new one. Again the XFX support staff were awesome and told me to just come into there return center not that far from my house and they would just exchange it there.

To minimize the time the computer was down I removed the motherboard, always fun, on Thursday night. Liz took the motherboard up to the return center on Friday and the staff were again very nice to her. I really appreciate that, most return centers are horrible at the best of times, let alone when you send someone who is not a techie. Anyway I had a fully functional computer that night. Everything works perfectly now.

I have been building computers since the 286 was the hot new chip and XFX had the most helpful and intelligent support staff I have ever dealt with. All computer parts have a relatively high failure rate, so I do not hold getting a defective motherboard against them. They actually worked with me and around my schedule to fix the problem without treating me like an idiot or blaming someone or something else. That is so rare in a computer hardware company that I will definitely prefer their hardware in the future and recommend them to anyone who asks me about motherboards or video cards.

Anyway I now have the monster system fully operational. It is a beautiful thing to behold: Intel i7, 12GB of triple channel 1333 RAM, 1.5TB RAID 1, 500GB RAID 0, external BlacX with another 1.5TB for backup, Dual layer DVD burner, NVIDIA GTX 280 with 1GB, and dual 22" wide screen monitors. I can render HD video, burn a DVD and play a video game all at the same time with out any noticeable slow down.

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